Elite Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business Network - a 501(c)19 Non-Profit Veterans Organization

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Networking System

Published: 29/04/2024 02:54 PM

Networking is so Important!

Help Nor Cal Elite build a Network

Be on the team!

Referral Systems

The next step!

 Take the next step in helping service-disabled veterans’ business owners. You are on this page for a reason: a sponsor, an advocate, or an advocate has reached out to you as a support of service-disabled veterans.

 Recognizing the challenges faced by disabled veterans in business —and grasping the value of teamwork that sets the veteran community apart—we established a network for Service Disabled veteran businesses to serve as advocates and resources for service-disabled veteran-owned businesses.

Step two: refers to a person that might reach out a hand to a Service-disabled veteran

Referral System

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