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Nor-Cal Elite Capability Statement Generator

Published: 29/04/2024 10:41 AM

Nor-Cal Elite Disabled Veterans

Capability Statement Generator


Automatic Capability Statement System

Writing a Winning Capabilities Statement in 2023


What is a capability statement?

A capability statement outlines what you can offer to potential clients and provides the essential details to help them decide whether to do business with you. It can also be used to open doors to new suppliers or be incorporated into needed documents.


Why does my Company need a capability statement?

A capability statement can help respond to requests from companies. Many bids postings will require a capability statement to ensure your business can meet the client’s requirements.

Highlights your skills, qualifications and a track record will improve your ability to win contracts and attract new clients

Showcasing your company in a professional manner will be standout for you from the competition.

Federal contract require all new, and small to medium sized companies to uses a capabilities statement.  It's normally a one-page PDF document giving it a high level view of your company.

 You should create more than one for your business, depending on your current objective. Depending on who your audience is will determine how you may want to highlight certain performance data on one capability statement versus another.


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